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Photo of protestors marching in a crowd. An Asian woman holds a sign "First they came for the Muslims and we said not today, not ever"
#NoBanNoWall protest in Chicago. (Photo: Sarah Jane Rhee)

Trump orders a "Muslim travel ban."

Date: 2017

#NoBanNoWall protest in Chicago. (Photo: Sarah Jane Rhee)

Trump attempts to suspend travel to the U.S. by foreign nationals from seven countries, all from the Middle East, for 90 days by executive order. He also stops the admission of Syrian refugees indefinitely. He claims this is to protect the nation from attacks by foreign nationals. While the ban is halted in the courts, the revised version of the ban sets dangerous precedents for the United States and other countries.

Elements of the ban have persisted, including placing refugees in the category of immigrants who can be banned, even if they are undergoing a resettlement process. The specifics within the ban are filled with contradictions, as some Muslim countries are included and others are not.

Additionally, the language of the ban focuses on ending terrorism, but the majority of terrorist acts within the United States are committed by white Americans. During his campaign, Trump used xenophobia against Arabs and Muslims to generate votes. The ban fulfills the promise he made to his electorate, while the justifications he creates for it are largely unfounded.